Sounds like a summer well spent, and I like how you documented so many diverse things together, like the whole experience is indivisible. I hope you’ll find a way to keep a bit of that summer exploration in everything that happens this semester!

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Yes! That's the goal :)

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Beautiful "sign out."

25 movies? How did you keep track of that haha? Maybe list them?? You forgot the 784 Shark Tank episodes with the 34506 individual pieces of chips.

"As I enter this new stage in my life, I want to be more ambitious yet considerate, optimistic yet cautious, and fearless yet practical." Great line.

In many ways, the question we need to figure out ASAP: How do we make this summer lifestyle our way of living?

One of the most important questions worth asking.

Have a good semester, and see you around.

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The summer list is much longer hahaha (I agree, nothing can beat Chips and Shark Tank)

I have been keeping track of all the movies that I watch. I'll show you the list some time.

Let's make this year count!!

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